Friday, July 7, 2006

Ayam Goreng Lemon - Crispy Lemon Chicken

It's simple yet tasty!

Crispy Lemon Chicken, why crispy? Because I prefer having them as
crispy as possible, sometimes I use the skin, some other time not. But mostly, I do! :D - pura2 lupa ama kolesterol...hehehe!

10 skinny chicken drumsticks - atau sayap kayak yg aku bikin itu

1 teaspoon of salt (or depends on your need) - yah kalo suka asin ditambah boleh aja

1/3 cup lemon juice - atau 2 s/d 3 buah jeruk nipis

olive oil - atau minyak apa aja yang ada di rumah :D

1. Generously coat the drumsticks with the lemon juice and salt, set
aside for half an hour lumuri ayam dengan perasan air jeruk nipis dan garam

2. Preheat your fryer, pour the oil, siapkan wajan, tuang minyak (kudu dikasih tau gitu? :D)

3. Drop the drumsticks in and allow to cook 15 minutes or until it's
brown and crispy - masukkin ayamnya, goreng selama 15 menit atau sampe coklat dan krispi alias garing

4. Enjoy! :D


  1. nadiah lagi demen masak- masak nih..
    inget dieeettt-nya! huhuhuu :-))

  2. huehehehe...lg lupa nih...thx diingetin ;D

  3. hmm..kalo ayam lemon yg pernah gw makan, semacam crispy strips trus dikasi kuah lemon gitu =P~

  4. enak jg tuh...hehehe...kalo ini cuma masaknya aja yg pake lemon...

  5. waaaaahhh pantes aja makin montok!doyan masak nih???

  6. hahaha itu mah dulu...skrg lg off dulu masak memasaknya

  7. Hmm.. untung gue tau rumah nadia. Kapan nih bisa makan gratis? hahahaha.. eh nad, posting resepnya di juga dong ya? sama tentang your book too, i'd like it to have more exposure.

  8. hahaha...spy bis amakan gratis, kasih aja nih resep ke kekasih tercinta ;D truuusss dimasakin deh ama dia...hihihi...

    coba deh tar gw ke sana...situslo ya?


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